On Thursday 05 March 2015 12:07:57 Gerd von Egidy wrote:
> When current dracut receives an ip with netmask of via DHCP,
> setting the also supplied default gateway fails (because it is obviously
> not within the netmask).
> The setup with a netmask of /32 is quite common in colocation datacenters
> where you don't want the machines of two different customers to directly
> talk to each other. At least two of the biggest colocation providers in
> Germany (1&1 and Strato) do it that way. NetworkManager supports this kind
> of setup and the dhclient-scripts of several distributions too.
> In this patch I have implemented a simple approach very similar to what is
> found in Debian. The dhclient-script from Fedora uses a more sophisticated
> approach, but that relies on the ipcalc utility which would introduce a
> dependency on Fedora-initscripts for dracut.

any comments or questions about this one?

I'd prefer if this could be merged into dracut upstream.

Kind regards,


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