dracut-dmsquash-generator creates $GENERATOR_DIR/sysroot.mount and
dracut-rootfs-generator doesn't touch it but systemd-fstab-generator
does overwrite the sysroot.mount file which causes error like "Timed
out waiting for device dev-mapper-live\x2drw.device." I don't know if
it can be resolved by dracut or if systemd should skip writing
sysroot.mount if it already exists.

I'm able to boot with rd.live.image by letting
dracut-dmsquash-generator create sysroot.mount.new and then tell
dracut-rootfs-generator to sysmlink sysroot.mount.new to
initrd-root-fs.target.requires/sysroot.mount. Also I had to remove "if
[ -z "$DRACUT_SYSTEMD" ]; then" condition from the
dmsquash-live-root.sh in order to mount LiveOS/rootfs.img into
/sysroot directory.
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