Hi Brynn,

Am 25.03.2015 um 14:30 schrieb Brynn:
> "One must explicitly force the image to reload."

- That's what you're doing by opening the image in its own tab in
Firefox. In Chrome, clicking the middle picture restarts the animation.
This is a problem with Firefox, not with the picture. It may be that
there are tricks to force Firefox to replay the animation like the other
browsers do, but if they exist, they are not used here. It may even be
that it once worked, and now Mozilla has changed something, and it
doesn't work anymore.

That's the whole point of the page - to show that browser support is
currently flaky, requires tricks (like the fact that you need js to
restart non-js animations), and isn't consistent over all major
browsers. Also, to show that making the same animation with different
techniques does not allow for the same results, because they offer
different ways to animate things.
It's an experiment, a demo, not something which can routinely be used on
production websites right now (js animation seems to have quite good
support, but the others don't, or only for a subset of functionalities).

> It does work to right-click >
> View Image.  But that opens the image in a new page.  Once on that
> new page, Refresh/Reload does restart the animation.

- For me, it starts right away.

> Then it says:  "Both Firefox and Chrome require the "date" trick as
> used for Chrome above."
> But that seems to apply to how the page is coded, and not how the
> visitor can make the page work.

- Correct.

> It clearly says "Click image to
> reload".  But that doesn't work.

- It does. In Chrome, at least, and maybe in IE, can't test.

> And if applying the "date trick" will allow the animation to work,
> it must not have been used for this image.  Why?  [Looks up
> source....] Oh, but it HAS been used!

- Maybe it wouldn't work at all without, even after force-reload, don't


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