Hi Brynn,

You hit an unintended bug which I fixed almost right away but staging
didn't get updated.

Please try again.


On Sat, 2016-01-30 at 00:56 -0700, Brynn wrote:
> Hi Friends,
> Trying to do the test in the last comment for this bug 
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1432911, but I'm having some issues with 
> staging site.
> First, 502 Bad Gateway shows after I log in.  After I refresh the page, I 
> see that I am logged in.  Not sure if it will persist yet, but I'll let you 
> know.
> 2nd, when I went to my profile page, I get a huge page full of errors and 
> codes.  The first 2 lines at the top are:
> "TypeError at /en/~brynn
> coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, instancemethod found"
> And at the very bottom, it says
> "You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django 
> settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 500 
> page"
> The problem is that I don't know where my Django settings file is.  Is it in 
> a preference file for staging site?  Or something on my local system?  Maybe 
> Firefox?  A lot of Ff prefs are set like that -- true or false.
> Also, I'm not sure if I really want a "standard 500 page" unless that just 
> means to show the expected page.
> I could provide the page full of info, if you need it.  Or there's a smaller 
> section on a yellow background, at the top.
> Based on what little I can  understand, I don't think I have the right kind 
> of access to fix this.  But if I can, just tell me how  :-)
> Thank you very much,
> brynn
> PS - I won't try to change my pw until this either is fixed, or you tell me 
> it's ok.  Hhmm...actually, I can't really get past this error page at all. 
> Yikes, this can't be good.....the 2nd to last line says
> " PROFANITIES_LIST /spaces/ u'********************' "  (programmers' sense 
> of humor?) 
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