On Wed, 2016-05-11 at 20:05 +0200, Sylvain Chiron wrote:
> > "Is it false
> > balance to present ourselves as if all desktops are equal to us?"
> > 
> > Aren't they?
> I think they are not, at least on the developer side, as for many
> cross-platform free software projects.

I should clarify. "Equal to us" means how we consider them. As a
project we could consider Linux a preferred desktop, even if it's
technically exactly the same. This is because we have a Free Software
culture which supports the social and moral benefits of Free Software,
even if we're not going to limit Inkscape to Linux.

I don't think there's much benefit to thinking about the technical
support since we should always allow developers the space to support
inkscape on any platform they want really.


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