We're pushing the about screen contest out today,

So I've drafted out an update which you can see here:


It can still be amended, but I think it's fairly good for now.

Thanks Brynn and Maren for your help. One day we'll be able to
translate these texts too.

Best Regards, Martin Owens

On Thu, 2016-10-20 at 14:57 +0200, Maren Hachmann wrote:
> Hi Brynn,
> thanks :)
> The link is https://inkscape.org/en/about-screen-contests/ (if Martin
> intends to use it, I don't know).
> I like the 'celebration' part a lot.
> But as this is Martin's text and Martin's 'project', I won't do any
> edits to it, unless he agrees. He may have had other ideas why he
> wrote
> it like this, don't know.
> Regards,
>  Maren
> Am 20.10.2016 um 05:52 schrieb Brynn:
> > 
> > Hi Friends,
> >         I was just looking at the About Screen Contest InkSpace
> > page:
> > 
> > https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/=about-screen-contest/
> > 
> > after Martin asked on the User list if people would test uploading
> > on this 
> > page:
> > 
> > https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/=about-screen-contest/about-test-co
> > ntest/
> > 
> >         And I noticed the description on the first page, which is:
> > 
> > "When the Inkscape team and community is winding down development
> > and 
> > preparing to release the next version we invite our artist users to
> > help us 
> > make Inkscape stand out by drawing an About Screen. Our goal is to
> > show off 
> > what the new version of Inkscape can do in an artistic manner. We
> > don't have 
> > a particular theme, but it should be smart, attractive and show off
> > the best 
> > you can do in Inkscape."
> > 
> >         I think the tone reinforces a separation between the user
> > and 
> > development communities, so I suggested the following
> > change.  However, I 
> > would also welcome others to tweak on it, since I'm sure it could
> > be 
> > improved even further.
> >         (And of course I can't actually perform the edit, because I
> > don't 
> > have the right kind of access for that.)
> > 
> > "Long time Inkscape users may have noticed that the About screen
> > (Help menu 
> >  > About) is different for each major version of
> > Inkscape.  Traditionally, 
> > when development is winding down, and just before each new version
> > is 
> > released, the community celebrates by holding a contest to choose a
> > new 
> > image for the About screen.  The goal is to show off what the new
> > version 
> > can do, in an artistic manner, as well as to announce the release
> > (with 
> > flair???).  Please see [link] for more information."
> > 
> >         So I eliminated any mentioning of separate communities,
> > explained 
> > what the About screen is, and about the contest.  I dropped that
> > part about 
> > the theme, because it seems to belong more in the instructions for
> > the 
> > contest.  I don't actually know where the instructions are
> > yet.  But if this 
> > is where they are supposed to be, then of course it needs a lot
> > more 
> > editing!  And I added a link to the instructions or other
> > additional info.
> > 
> >         Please tweak away  :-)
> > 
> > Thank you very much,
> > brynn
> > 
> > 
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