is there an official youtube account for inkscape?

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer

On Tue, 6 Nov 2018, 08:46 brynn, <> wrote:

> Hi Friends,
>         Relatively recently, the screencasters.heathenx website was
> closed.  I
> just found out about it a month or 2 ago.  Mark (aka Xav, on
> InkscapeForum) has
> acquired copies of most if not all of them.  Little by little, he has been
> uploading them to YouTube.
>  I think
> he said
> he's been adding approx 3 per week.
>         I've just edited the link on the Learn page
> ( of the website, and added a brief notation
> about
> the videos being added to YT.  On the Video Tutorials page
> (, where there was simply a link to
> that
> website, I deleted it.
>         The reason I deleted it, is because I don't have time to do this
> myself.
> But I recall a year or maybe closer to 2 years ago someone was interested
> in
> adding individual videos (links to them, I mean) to that page.  So I
> thought
> they (or anyone) might like to kind of keep track of what's been uploaded
> to YT,
> and choose the "Best of" and add them to the Video Tutorials page.
>         If someone is interested to do this, but they don't already have
> access
> to edit the page, just reply to this message, and someone can get you set
> up to
> do that.
>         If no on is interested, or has time right now, there are already
> other
> videos on the page.  So I think it will be ok.  But if anyone is
> interested, the
> best of those videos would be nice to include there.
> All best,
> brynn
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