The new forum will be using a system where the first 2 messages of new users need to be approved before they show in the forum. After we see that they are sincerely registered to get help with Inkscape, we don't worry about them anymore, and all future messages, after the first 2, are posted immediately.

This has worked very well for the current 3rd party forums, and I expect it will continue to work well in the new forum (as long as we don't have trouble finding enough moderators). This way, spam is Never seen, not even for a short while. (Well, not unless a moderator is tricked -- those human spammers can be so very clever :-( )

I would not be opposed to a similar system for the gallery. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work for the gallery too (as long as the member sees a message after they upload the image, that it is going through moderation before they see it).

I don't know how hard that would be to implement on the development side of the gallery.

I suspect that we will eventually use the same moderators for both forum and gallery. Although in the beginning, they will be separate (as far as I understand).


-----Original Message----- From: ar j
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 11:24 AM
To: Inkscape-Docs
Subject: [Inkscape-docs] New Gallery System Proposal

The current system makes spam a real bore for admins.

I propose a new gallery system. A static site for displaying images (no need for user-accounts)

The moderation system is used to verify pictures. They are then approved. Then we have a manual (or automated) build system that adds the pics.

We can then ask people to provide more info when submitting pics. In the case of blanks we wonder if spam or other format or what.

The moderation system becomes then a verifying system, giving mods some work to do.

Currently, i tried few times checking in the past but lightning fast brynn always has already marked wrong ones. My duty is then to vote. Not enough work to do i think is the reason mods sleep.

The rate of submission is also not so high.

(btw check out JamStack)


Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer

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