----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Lobsinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If no one has accepted the task yet, I am interested.

That's good news !!

I sensed that you might have been seeking permission to go ahead with the
project - but such permission is not needed. You should simply go ahead with
it and upload the result to CPAN as Inline::Fortran - or perhaps Inline::F77
and/or Inline::F90 (as appropriate).

Of course, if there are aspects with which you need help, then feel free to
post here - and someone might be able to help.

There were, I think, some files floating around (somewhere) from an earlier
uncompleted attempt to write Inline::Fortran. I don't know where they are,
or if they would be of use to you .... if they even exist :-)


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