
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 4:53 PM,  <> wrote:
> Since we added new servers, users have been complaining that the Perl scripts 
> are taking a lot longer. After a lot of logging and testing, I discovered 
> that the Inline::Java module is the bottleneck. Even though the threads 
> appear to be running in parallel, the actual time taken is approximately 
> equal to single-threaded performance. I.e.
>   Time to run Java threads =  (# threads) x (time to run one Java thread)

I don't see that behaviour with a simple program (

use Inline (
        Java => 'DATA',
        SHARED_JVM => 1,
        PORT => 17891,
) ;
Inline::Java::capture_JVM() ; # Kill JVM on exit

my $nb = 5 ;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $nb ; $i++){
        if (! fork){
                print "start $i\n" ;
                Inline::Java::reconnect_JVM() ;
                test->sleep() ;
                print "end $i\n" ;
                exit ;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $nb ; $i++){
        wait() ;
class test {
        public static void sleep() throws InterruptedException {
                Thread.sleep(5000) ;

$ time perl
start 0
start 1
start 2
start 3
start 4
end 0
end 1
end 3
end 2
end 4

real    0m5.264s
user    0m0.198s
sys     0m0.102s

> Looking at the implementation of Inline::Java, I can see that a large # of 
> the Java methods are declared as synchronized. I.e.
>   cd ~/.cpan/build/Inline-Java-0.52
>   find . -name '*.java' -exec grep synchronize {} \;
> It appears that when calling Java methods using the module, only one method 
> can only be run at any given time, forcing single-threaded performance. The 
> vast majority of time in my Perl script is spent waiting for the application 
> server Java methods to respond, thus this synchronization is the key 
> bottleneck.

Calling Java from Perl is not synchonized, but if you call back into
Perl from Java ("callbacks") those calls are synchronized. Is that
what your code is doing?


Patrick LeBoutillier
Rosemère, Québec, Canada

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