This is my sample Perl program, and I'm trying to call a library routine. I 
think it should work, but don't know how to debug what it is doing in the 
background or where it is failing. It is not providing any error messages that 
are useful. I don't see any options to turn on verbose or debugging.

use Inline C => Config => ENABLE => "AUTOWRAP" => LIBS => '-L/usr/local/lib 
-lgretl' => INC => '-I/home/Chloe/gretl-1.9.7/lib/src';


#include "libgretl.h"
#include "gretl_utils.h"
/*void libgretl_init();*/

This is the error message
$ perl
Undefined subroutine &main::libgretl_init called at line 4.

These are the files generated, but I don't see any .c files. Only the config-*, 
*.dll, and *.inl have any size.
$ ls -R _Inline/
build config-i686-cygwin-thread-multi-64int-5.010001 lib
_Inline/lib/auto/e_03e7: e_03e7.dll e_03e7.inl

This does work, however
$ perl -le 'use Inline C => q{ double erf(double); }, ENABLE => "AUTOWRAP"; 
print "$_ @{[erf($_)]}" for (0..10)'
0 0
1 0.842700792949715
2 0.995322265018953
System version
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 dumbopc 1.7.11(0.260/5/3) 2012-02-24 14:05 i686 Cygwin

The header file:
$ find gretl-1.9.7 -name \*.h | xargs grep libgretl_init
gretl-1.9.7/lib/src/gretl_utils.h:void libgretl_init (void);

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