----- Original Message ----- From: "David Oswald" <daosw...@gmail.com>
To: "McIntyre, Shane K." <smcint...@mitre.org>; "inline" <inline@perl.org>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 4:16 AM
Subject: Re: Inline CPP Question/Issue

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 11:03 AM, McIntyre, Shane K.
<smcint...@mitre.org> wrote:
I am writing a Perl module (.pm file) that has C++ code in it. When I
attempt to start up apache and the Perl modules get compiled the C++ method
in the file does not get bound to Perl.

That generally means that everything has compiled ok - it's just that there's a problem in the perl bindings.

 I am not having the same issue with
other Perl Modules where I use Inline C only ones where I have Inline CPP. I am using Perl version 5.8.8. Is there something different that needs to
be done for C++ vs. C?

Not really, but are you using current versions of Inline::C and Inline::CPP ?

Right now I have a very basic Perl Module that I’m
just trying to get to work. The code is below. Any help/guidance you could
give me would be appreciated.

use strict;

use Inline CPP => (‘Config’ =>

                                     DIRECTORY =>


use Inline CPP => <<’END_CPP’;

double factorial (int x) {

    int i;

    double result = 1;

    for (i=2; i<=x; i++) result *=I;

    return result;




There's a typo in the code - '*=I' should be '*=i'.
But that shouldn't cause the error you're getting.

I *think* 5.8.8 should know how to return a double but just in case it doesn't, try this version of the function:

SV * factorial (int x) {
   int i;
   double result = 1;
   for (i=2; i<=x; i++) result *=i;
   return newSVnv(result);

If that works, but reverting to 'double' fails, then it's just that your perl typemap doesn't provide the necessary information on how to return a double. In that case, the typemap could be fixed - but it's probably easier (and certainly no less efficient) to use the function as I have written it. Or update to a later version of perl.


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