----- Original Message ----- From: "David Oswald" <daosw...@gmail.com>
To: "inline" <inline@perl.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 6:08 AM
Subject: Libraries for MSVC++

Currently Inline is choosing the following defaults for MSVC++:

elsif ( $Config{osname} =~ m/^MSWin/ ) {
   $cc_guess   = 'cl -TP -EHsc';
   $libs_guess = ' MSVCIRT.LIB ';

However, the docs I found here:  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/154753

...suggest that library pertains to the old style iostream.h headers,
and that there are other options for the newer iostream headers.

Has it been established that the name of the lib that gets specified actually matters ?
For my MSVC++ 7.0 compiler it doesn't seem to matter at all.

I can specify the non-existent "rubbish.lib" (at the Makefile.PL stage) when building Inline::CPP with that compiler, and it doesn't make any difference to the build (or the tests) afaict.

However, there are, of course, MS compilers other than MSVC++ 7.0.


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