Hi all,

This is my first post on this list.

I have a pretty complex problem to solve, and I was wondering if some of you 
have some advice for me.

I have a perl CGI script running under mod_perl. The script uses WWW::HtmlUnit 
to do some "on the fly crawling" of a small set of pages. In turn, 
WWW::HtmlUnit users Inline::Java to connect to the Java implementation of 

We have set PERL_INLINE_JAVA_SHARED_JVM=1, because we don't want to start a new 
JVM for every request. Plus, the documentation of Inline::Java says that this 
variable is meant specifically for use under mod_perl (so we assumed that it 
would not work under mod_perl without it).

Shortly after we started using HtmlUnit in our script, we noticed that it  
would periodically stop working after a while, with an error to the effect that 
the JVM ran out of memory (don't have the exact message anymore). Once the 
error occurs once, it occurs on every invocation of the script, until we 
restart the shared JVM, by  closing all the applications that use it (in our 
case, the Apache service, and Eclipse).

Our current understanding is that this happens because our script keeps 
accumulating some HtmlUnit objects for which closeAllWindows() is not called, 
which, from what I have seen on the web causes memory to keep growing in the 

We're in the process of plugging that memory leak, but it has me worried about 
using PERL_INLINE_JAVA_SHARED_JVM=1, because it essentially means that if one 
process fills up the shared JVM, then none of the other processes (either 
existing or future) will work. In contrast, with a non shared JVM, a process 
might fill its own JVM, and then die, but that would not make all the other 
process fail.

But I did a couple of attempts to use Inline::Java in a script that runs under 
mod_perl, and it doesn't seem to work (as is implied by the Inline::Java doc).

So my question is twofold:

-          Is it possible to run Inline::Java under mod_perl, without usng a 
shared JVM (i.e. without setting  PERL_INLINE_JAVA_SHARED_JVM=1)?

-          Even if it is "possible", what would be the downside of doing this? 
I would guess:

o   Higher memory consumption (but the advantage is that if one process runs 
out of JVM memory, it won't affect the other processes)

o   Overhead of starting the JVM happens N times, where N is the number of 
child processes that Apache allows (instead of 1 time if the JVM is shared)



Alain Désilets

Agent de recherche
Technologies de l'information et des communications
Conseil national de recherches Canada
Tél. : 613-993-0610 | Téléc. : 613-952-0215

Research Officer
Information and Communication Technology
National Research Council Canada
Telephone: 613-993-0610 | Fax: 613-952-0215

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