Sat Apr 20 07:06:17 2013: Request 11748 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by SISYPHUS
       Queue: Inline
     Subject: Inline::CPP config gets lost because of Inline::C bug
   Broken in: (no value)
    Severity: Important
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

On Sat Apr 20 04:43:46 2013, iang wrote:
> I have looked at this a little further and, while I don't see any
>    evidence of a bug in Inline::C, the bug in Inline::CPP (see Bug
>    #84762) can be fixed by a change to Inline::C.

Thanks for the test case - and for digging around and providing ideas on how to 
fix this.
Now that I have a demo to study, I can see that the '-IC:/' gets lost inside 
Inline::C::validate (which is called near the end of Inline::CPP::validate). 
This would suggest to me that it *is* a bug in Inline::C.

I'll do something about this when I get the time to study more closely what's 
going on. (Should have some time for that within the next fortnight.)

Thanks again, Ian.


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