This question is better sent to - Inline::C doesn't
exist in perl6, so even if you get past the error on the use statement,
this isn't going to work as written.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 12:23 AM, Ashraya <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to use the C extention feature with perl6. Although it worked
> fine with perl5, the C extention is different from perl5 to perl6. I tried
> to use the same as following :
> h2xs -PAXn Math::Simple
> ashiva@ubuntu:~/Parrot/rakudo/Inline-0.44/Math-Simple$ cat
> #!/usr/bin/perl6
> use lib './lib/Math/.';
> use Math::Simple;
> print add(2, 3);
> print subtract(3, 2);
> ashiva@ubuntu:~/Parrot/rakudo/Inline-0.44/Math-Simple$
> ashiva@ubuntu:~/Parrot/rakudo/Inline-0.44/Math-Simple$ cat
> lib/Math/
> package Math::Simple;
> $VERSION = '1.23';
> use base 'Exporter';
> @EXPORT_OK = qw(add subtract);
> use strict;
> use Inline C => 'DATA',
>            VERSION => '1.23',
>            NAME => 'Math::Simple';
> 1;
> __DATA__
> =pod
> =cut
> __C__
> int add(int x, int y) {
>   return x + y;
> }
> int subtract(int x, int y) {
>   return x - y;
> }
> But I keep getting this error :
> ashiva@ubuntu:~/Parrot/rakudo/Inline-0.44/Math-Simple$ perl6
> ===SORRY!===
> arglist case of use not yet implemented. Sorry.
> at
> ashiva@ubuntu:~/Parrot/rakudo/Inline-0.44/Math-Simple$
> Does anyone know anything about it ?
> Please reply.
> Thanks & Regards,*
> Ashraya S Shiva*

Will "Coke" Coleda

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