I'm working on implementing a binary search using Inline::C.

Eventually I want to be able to call it like this:

my $found_ix = binary_search { $a <=> $b } @ordered_numbers;


my $found_ix = binary_search { $a cmp $b } @ordered_strings;

Currently I've got it to this point:

my $found = binary_search sub{ $a <=> $b }, \@ordered_numbers;

...in other words, I haven't worked on prototypes yet.  But at the
moment the reason I'm writing is to ask about a couple of issues.
First, I'm leaking memory.  I'm pretty sure it's not in the comparator
sub, as I tested it in isolation with valgrind and came out ok after
millions of iterations.

But when I invoke binary_search and run 'top' in another process I see
the memory consumption growing.

Second, I'm clobbering $a and $b.  I thought that
SV* save_scalar(GV *gv)
would do the trick, but it expects a glob, and I'm grabbing $a and $b
as scalars.

Aside from a leak, and clobbering $a and $b, everything else works!

Here's the code:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

use Inline C => 'DATA';

my @tests = (
  [ 'Odd number of elements',  [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,
31, 37, 41, 43, 53, 59, 61 ] ],
  [ 'Even number of elements', [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,
31, 37, 41, 43, 53, 59     ] ],
  [ 'Single element',          [ 2
                         ] ],
  [ 'Two elements',            [ 2, 3
                         ] ],
  [ 'Empty list',              [
                         ] ],

( $a, $b ) = ( "Hello", "world" );

for( 1 .. 1 ) {
  foreach my $test ( @tests ) {
    my( $name, $list ) = @{$test};
    test_list( $name, $list );

is( "$a $b!", "Hello world!", "\$a and \$b are not clobbered." );


sub test_list {
  my( $name, $aref ) = @_;
  foreach my $needle ( 0 .. $#{$aref} + 2 ) {
    my( $known_index ) = grep { $needle == $aref->[$_] } 0 .. $#{$aref};
    my $found_index    = binary_search( sub{ $a <=> $b }, $needle, $aref );
    my $found = defined($found_index) ? "Found." : "Not found.";
    is( $found_index, $known_index, "$name. Needle:$needle. $found" );


int comparator( SV*, SV*, SV* );

SV* binary_search( SV* block, SV* needle, SV* aref_haystack ) {
  I32 min = 0;
  I32 max = 0;
       ! SvROK( aref_haystack )                 // We have a reference.
    || SvTYPE(SvRV(aref_haystack)) != SVt_PVAV  // We have an array ref.
  ) {
    croak( "Argument must be an array ref.\n" );

  max = av_top_index( (AV*)SvRV(aref_haystack) );
  while( max > min ) {
    I32 mid = ( min + max ) / 2;
    SV* hay = *av_fetch( (AV*)SvRV(aref_haystack), mid, 0 ); // Fetch
value at aref_haystack->[mid]
    if( comparator(block,needle,hay) == 1 ) {  // If needle > hay.
      min = mid + 1;
    else {
      max = mid;
  if( max == min && comparator(block, needle, *av_fetch(
(AV*)SvRV(aref_haystack),min,0) ) == 0 ) {
    return newSViv(min);
  return newSV(0); // undef: Not found.

int comparator ( SV* block, SV* needle, SV* hay ) {
  int ret;

    int count;


    // We're not passing params.


    count = call_sv(block, G_SCALAR);


    if (count != 1)
      croak("Callback had improper return value count.\n");

    ret = POPi;

  return ret;

So, if anyone knows what I ought to try in eliminating the leak, or to
avoid clobbering $a and $b, I'd appreciate hearing.



David Oswald

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