-----Original Message----- From: Jean Connelly

Related to Linda's question, what environment variables or make variables
do I need to set to install Inline *without* Inline::C and
to specify a python for Inline::Python to do both of these make/installs

In addition to what David wrote, if the C/Makefile.PL can't find a C
compiler, then the default value becomes [n] .

Therefore, if you remove all C compilers from the PATH environment variable,
I *think* you should be able to install Inline (without Inline::C)
non-interactively (so long as you're set up to accept default prompts).
In fact, you don't necessarily need to remove *all* C compilers from the
path - just remove the one(s) that the C/Makefile.PL will look for ;-)

Personally, I'd probably just hard code the C/Makefile.PL to set $default to
"n" - but there's nothing wrong with the solution you've chosen, either.


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