Too much attention to unrelated details such as SvPV_nolen

With this amount of explanations - I would throw away closely unrelated text 
but in return insert there another colorful examples, which in turn uncover 
something useful.

And even I would remove "use warnings;" line - inserting it here there and 
everywhere is just eating useful screen space of information.

The shorter the better...
Consider that you've already convinced all around people to actually insert 
this "use warnings;" and no more need to convince people even more.

Other than that - nice wording, nice effort, thank you for that, you're making 
world better :):)

From: Ron Grunwald via inline []
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2017 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: Inline::C Cookbook addition

Hi all,

Just providing an update to this thread. I did end up submitting an updated 
"Cookbook.swim" as a pull request with the help of several contributors. A few 
days ago, Ingy was kind enough to merge the change with the Inline::C master 

The new recipe is titled "Direct Access to Perl variables" and is placed at the 
end of the section "Meat & Potatoes".

Thank you to everyone who assisted me.

On 21 Dec 2016, at 7:16 am,<> wrote:

From: Ron Grunwald
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: Inline::C Cookbook addition

This mailing list is very quiet these days and I think your request will 
probably fall "through the cracks" unless you submit it as a github "Issue" or 
a github pull request.

For completeness, I did write up the recipe and submitted it as an issue on 
github about 3 days ago,

There havn't been any comments made so far, so I'm not sure if its being 
considered for the C Cookbook.
Also, it looks like no updates were made to Inline::C for the last two years.


Hi Ron,

Yes, I don't know when your request will be acted upon.

But it's now in a place where it won't get lost - and whenever someone decides 
to update Inline::C they should see that request and give it the consideration 
it deserves.


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