On 5/19/2017 11:09 PM, Xuxiaohu wrote:
>> GUE is supposed to be both signalling and content (data), where the data are 
>> IP
>> packets.
> Since IANA strives to assign one port for a service, IP packet within the UDP 
> tunnel should be assigned a dedicated port. In other words, GUE and IP-in-UDP 
> are distinguished by the different port numbers. 
GUE is one service that includes both encapsulation of IP packets and
Frankly, it seems like it would work anywhere IP works - where IPv0 is
defined as the signalling channel (which is sufficient because IPv0
isn't defined).

In that case, the first field after v0 needs to be a signal channel
version number, to allow for future updates.

>> Take away the IP part and GUE isn't an E anymore.
>>>> Services are expected to have version fields and subtype
>>>> demultiplexing indicators, to so that all message variants of current
>>>> and future versions can use a single port number.
>>> Sure, the version field within the IPvx packet could be used for 
>>> demultiplexing
>> purpose.
>> That demultiplexes within IPvx. There still needs to be a way to demultiplex
>> non-IPvx packets (control) from IPvx.
> Since GUE and IP-in-UDP have different UDP port numbers, 
They don't and they shouldn't. That would complicate forwarding - a
single service needs to use a single port. Using separate ports
complicates configurations - this is a case where you want "fate
sharing" (either both IP encapsulation and the signal channel work or
neither do).

> I don't know why there is still a need to demultiplex GUE and IP-in-UDP.
The point of GUE is an IP encapsulation channel with in-band signalling.
That is a single service, IMO.

Note - AFAICT, GUE could work anywhere an IP packet works. IP packets
always start with a version number, and v0 isn't really defined.
Defining v0 as the signal channel is the same thing as how GUE is
currently specified.


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