Hi all,

the draft below has been posted and describes a network architecture
that implements icn semantics in IPv6 networks.


the reason to implement icn semantics in IPv6, as opposed to on top of IP,
is that IPv6 addresses can be used as service or resource identifiers or
more generally
as a means to identify data sources, such as RTP media sources or live
streaming channels,
but also web resources. There are several other use cases where data source
makes sense that I leave for future discussions.

Using IPv6 addresses as end-point/object identifiers is not new. This
document builds upon
this idea and brings icn into it to enable additional use cases such as
mobility, multi-homing,
traffic redundancy elimination for applications such as multi-cast but also
multi-source data

It must be said that the transport end-points running on the end-hosts are
not based on
TCP/UDP usual sockets. These newly defined sockets are typically called
sockets and are unidirectional channels. These sockets are not described in
this document in details,
and will be documented elsewhere and discussed in other mailing lists later
We have tried to provide the minimum amount of information about transport
to highlight the IPv6 components and discuss those in the scope of this

More details about transport services and protocols can be found in some of
the references.

Thanks for the comments already received from Juan Carlos and others that
completing this first -00 draft.

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