On 16/1/19 16:26, Tom Herbert wrote:
> Ron,
> A stateless firewall that maintains state is no longer a stateless
> firewall. Introducing state requires memory and additional logic that
> are at odds with the goal of cheap low end devices..
> A stateless firewall could just drop the first fragment that contains
> the transport layer header and allow non first fragments to past. This
> achieves the filtering goal to prevent delivery of the reassmbled
> packet. It does mean fragments that can't possibly be reassembled make
> it to the destination. Whether or not that is a mere nuisance or causes
> real problems that creates a DOS vector depends on other factors in
> deployment.

This assumes the node to be firewalled implements RFC8200/RFC5722 -- if
it doesn't, the filtering policy could be circumvented.

You may or may not be able to make such assumption. Where you can't, you
may have to do stateful firewalling.

Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
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