> On Mar 19, 2020, at 3:11 PM, Jon Maloy <jma...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 3/18/20 12:04 AM, Joseph Touch wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’m quite confused by this request.
>> It seems like they either have an implementation issue (in Linux). 
> Linux "passthru" GSO is implemented so that any IP based protocol which wants 
> to benefit 
> from it needs its own IP protocol number. Doing this generically through the 
> already existing 
> UDP protocol number is not possible, because GSO on a host must be 
> implemented 
> specifically (e.g., regarding segmentation) per carried protocol. That is 
> just a fact, and not 
> an implementation issue.  

How is that not exactly an implementation issue?

> IP addresses are no good in the *user API*, because they are location bound. 
> That is also why DNS was invented, I  believe. 

DNS names are intended to be a human-rememberable alias to an IP address. They 
do not indicate a location any more than an IP address does or does not.

> Whatever the viewpoints, TIPC is currently what it is,

As is IP...

> and rather than focusing on the motivation
> for certain implementation choices and how they work, I think IETF should 
> consider the fact
> that this is a well-established service used by dozens of small and big 
> companies, running high-volume
> traffic at hundreds of telco sites around the globe. They should also 
> consider that TIPC has 
> existed as a stable and well-maintained implementation in all major Linux 
> distros for many years.

I won’t focus on the bad decisions in TIPC if you won’t ask for a protocol 
number -deal?

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