The NICs I have worked on have a mode that allows packets with CRC failures to 
be delivered with a status bit indicating the CRC error.  If I remember 
correctly, CRC logic amounts to just a handful for gates; so, arranging to 
disable it would not be worth the effort at the standardization level.  There 
is a security/DOS aspect to this although, it would happen close enough to make 
the culprit really easy to catch…

Speaking of CRC, 32 bit CRC was considered acceptable back in 1980 for 10K or 
so of data.  It’s probably not adequate for much more than that.  There have to 
be more robust things out there with 64 or 128 bit digests, now.

From: Int-area <> On Behalf Of Tom Herbert
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2023 3:39 PM
To: Templin (US), Fred L <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Int-area] A new link service model for the Internet 
(IP Parcels and Advanced Jumbos)

[EXTERNAL SENDER: This email originated from outside of Stratus Technologies. 
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On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 11:58 AM Templin (US), Fred L
> Here is something everyone should read and become familiar with taken from 
> Section 5 of the latest
> version of "IP Parcels and Advanced Jumbos":
> A new link service model is offered that will be essential for supporting 
> air/land/sea/space mobile
> Internetworking. IP Parcels and Advanced Jumbos are the vehicles that support 
> end-to-end as
> opposed to hop-by-hop link error detection in the new model.
> This is a truly transformational concept for the Internet - many may already 
> know about it, but
> everyone should become aware of it.

Hi Fred,

Some comments in line.
I don't believe disabling the Ethernet CRC is feasible. AFAIK IEEE
802.3 standards don't allow the Ethernet CRC to be optional. Even if
it were, I doubt any existing NIC hardware or router hardware would
have an API to disable CRC.

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