On 2018.10.08 13:58:25 +0000, Wang, Zhi A wrote:
> Thanks for pointing this. My bad.
> I take a look on the code and it looks like the GVT-g context is now quite 
> similar with the kernel context except the force single submission and ring 
> buffer size. (When we upstream the code, there was no kernel context at that 
> time. :/) Now there is already one API for single submission. If we can 
> introduce another one to configure the ring buffer size. Then maybe we can 
> remove the *create_gvt() in i915_gem_context.c and used kernel context 
> instead.
> Feel free to drop comments. :)

For ppgtt, you'd better change to use i915 ppgtt interface to handle
shadow pages, then gvt context would be much like normal one.

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