Hola Stephen!

Comments follow for what they are worth;

Stephen Patterson wrote:
> Concearning Viktor Stephanovich Grebennikov. I find it truly amazing
> that virtually EVERY piece of technology that could be of any
> benefit to the human race is magically destroyed or lost to time.

I can't speak for why these people who claim to have discovered something novel or have invented something that could change the world, would refuse to have it tested independently or take all pains to get it to market...failing that, GIVE THE DAMN THING AWAY using something like our shareware agreement at;


and let everyone RUN WITH IT.

The point and purpose is to do some good with your miserable life! I don't mean you Stephen, I mean the ones like Tilley who could change the balance of power, cut back or stop all this stupid war and interference solely for the sake of oil, but instead, he and his investors wait for the highest bidder and to hell with the rest of the world. Pure GREED.

The 9 billion made by Exxon in 3 MONTHS kind of shows why artificial escalation of oil prices is the ruling factor and I suspect a goal post for greedy inventors who MIGHT have a working technology though in many cases I doubt it.

It frustrates me no end to read about all these amazing devices and claims, yet NEVER do we see one that we can buy or USE. Plus the inventors refuse to have it independently tested and verified, worst of all, they keep dicking around trying to control the technology to become multi billionaires.

Like one documentary said about the Tesla/JP Morgan relationship....avarice without limit....

Avarice means 'greed for wealth'....once you have what you need for security and some backup for extra ventures, why continue to accumulate?

When is enough, enough?

The rich and super-rich disgust me, self-centered, pampered losers who couldn't care less about the rest of the world or anyone else.

Unfortunately, it is the main flaw in the Utopian philosophy...it takes money to make money...but in this case it takes money to make the inventions and get them out. The 'whats in it for me and HOW MUCH?' question always raises its ugly head.

Ego, power, greed, one or a combination of them, PLUS the probability that many of these things DON'T WORK, the inventor knows it and knows that it cannot come to market or be discovered if they try to put it on the market or let anyone ELSE test it.

Odd how many nasty emails I got from people claiming to be investors in Tilleys invention. They were QUITE SATISFIED to have never seen proof and stand behind their confidence in him WITHOUT NEED FOR PROOF as one guy wrote!!!

Instead, most of the inventors with amazing claims milk a gullible investor public as long as they can, then move on to the next scam. I don't know that Tilley is doing this but he's been at it for many years now and never a product we can buy, never a buyer of his technology who comes to market with it....endless smoke, never flame...

In the case of Grebennikov....I am told by a Russian friend that Grebennikovs claims of the flying platform are generally thought of in Russia as a science fiction story or 'vision' that he included in the book to draw attention to what many would consider a boring subject, the study of insects, entomology.

Yet in his letter to me, he insists it did work as he claimed. His main fear was the extermination of the unique insect species should word get out as to its identity.

I tried to convince him we could duplicate the effect artificially (dielectric and nano-geometry) if he would just supply us with a couple of shells to demonstrate the effect. I even offered him money and a percentage of whatever came of the project.

Alas, I was too late, he was very old for a Russian, in bad health and died before being able to respond.

> I am very close to dropping my search for free energy as i find
> little or NO proof of any of it existing. Anything that is remotely
> obtainable is so freakin expensive the average individual can't
> afford it.

Some do give up...it has never crossed my mind SOLELY because I have seen a few odd things that shouldn't work...and there are so many correlations that backup some claims that its a big carrot I can't not pursue.

Its pretty sad about how some love to promote mystery solely for fame/money/notoriety, in KeelyNets case, it just gives that impression because we can only report what is given or shared with us.

Several people over they years have written in asking what happens when a free energy device comes out...then what will KeelyNet do, no more mystery?

I tell them it would please me no end to RESOLVE EACH MYSTERY, to be able see and USE working technology...there are endless permutations for any given technology and many other subjects and interests to study than the three primary purposes of KeelyNet, ergo, free energy, gravity control and electronic health/rejuvenation.

I detest mysteries and the ones who promote them for gain or public presence. The sooner we can pin them down to discover their existence and CAUSE, the sooner we can move on to work on the next one.

Case in point, many years ago when I was president of the UFO group Mufon in Dallas, we had Bud Hopkins (Missing Time) speak on a few occasions...he mentioned how aliens impregnated human females who on sonograms would show twins or triplets, then over time the aliens would take one or two of the babies, leaving only one to be born.

I asked Bud why he didn't explain in his talk that this is a common phenomenon that happens with animals and humans...where one or more babies in a 'litter' who are sickly or dead will be ABSORBED back into the body of the mother. No aliens, no mystery.

Bud told me in front of several people at the private party we held for all speakers....reporting that fact would 'simply confuse people'. BULLSHIT! It would dispute and kill a claim that adds to the UFO mystery.

Present all the facts and let people decide for themselves. There are many other cases of people making claims who refused to provide all the information or obscure with omissions or lack of relevant data, and most importantly, lack of PROOF.

Always an excuse for why it wouldn't work when skeptics or legitimate, fairly rigorous testing conditions are present.

> The only pholantropist among the bunch was Nikola Tesla.

Tesla was NOT a philanthropist. He had no money, did not finance other inventors or help in anyway, and his inventions were to MAKE MONEY, not given away to the world in any form. In fact, he was rather petty towards other inventors, and hated John Keely with a passion...but that is another story.

> What is wrong with the rest of the world. If the Myan calendar is
> correct there is only approx. 7 years left. No time with respect
> aquiring developmental funds and bringing a product to the general
> public.

If you believe in the Mayan calender, then you will continue to believe in free energy/alt science...<LOL>....so many theories such as time ends, etc...let it come! We need a cleansing...let the new race take over and show us how it SHOULD have been one.

I happen to think there is still hope for humanity...that we WILL in time figure out free energy, gravity control and how to heal/repair any condition of the flesh or mind. By healing ourselves and our screwed up cultures, we will also heal the planet for a final Utopia where everyone can live healthy, long and fruitful lives, without war or need in any form.

But it takes money, coordination and talent directed towards MANHATTAN type projects to TRY to make these things happen.

> Amazing how intertainment media is developed and brought to
> market so quickly. It makes me wonder if the predominate portion of
> any of the information on alternative medicine and energy isn't just
> another P.T. Barnum special. NEVER give a sucker an even break.

Most people are fascinated with gossip and trivia, talk about science and their eyes just glaze over as they trance out or find an excuse to get away from this nut! They can't see or imagine how science can benefit their lives though it does in ALL aspects of life these days.

> I don't expect this email to get posted as it is non conducive to
> sellin bologna or perpitrating and passing on a hoax.

If by posted you mean to the Interact list, I don't post an email there unless it is something of interest but I sense your frustration and concur on many levels as I'm sure many on the list feel the same way...WHEN WILL ALL THIS TALK AND CLAIMS COME TO A HEAD?

> I want to see ONE really usable and affordable invention that
> will propell the human existance foreward substantially. JUST ONE!!

Amon! JUST ONE! So what do we do? Give it all up? Blow it all off as just one giant fantasy, replete with con artists and people out to make a buck off their claims or the promotion of mysteries?

Give up and rejoin the masses of seething, sensation driven humanity with no destiny, no purpose, many blinded by belief systems, cults or fanaticism trying to force others to join them.

Not for me...I will continue, it can have only one of two outcomes...success with at least one major discovery that will change the planet or my own death due hopefully ONLY to the flow of time and not accident, illness or mischief.

> I know you don't believe in GOD so lets see the result of science.
> NO MORE speculation and or hype!!

Not that it matters what I think/believe, but thats not true...Agnostics don't deny the existence of God, they simply require proof of such a being it he truly exists. Agnostics are fence sitters...<LOL>...with respect to claims of a deity.

I tend to think most of mankind has followed the legends/myths of our ancestors who encountered advanced beings, ETs or other civilization/cultures on this planet who were technically and perhaps spiritually far above them.

That our ancestors wrote volumes of mysterious stories attempting to describe what they saw and those stories have polluted thinking for millenia, simply because they did not UNDERSTAND the technology they were seeing.

I long ago gave up my study of UFOs because I think the only way we can come to understand and KNOW who/what they are is to build our OWN ships and chase them down to confront them. The sightings, reports and trace evidence offer possible glimpses of technology we should be able to duplicate and surpass.

As time goes on, science, technology and medical research will continue to give us seemingly magickal abilities as viewed by those not advanced enough to comprehend that we ARE NOT GODS for them!

Many sci-fi writers, movies and TV series such as Star Trek have dealt with this, but believers tend to need that crutch of believing, I think because they don't have the fortitude to stand up for themselves, always wanting 'forgiveness' or help from some mysterious imaginary entity.

Usually it is the desparate and lost among us who buy into the myths.

Enough of that...the simple requirement of proof applies to ALL THINGS.

Machines, 'gods', UFOs, cures, special abilities, claims, etc..

Thanks for your email, it made for a combined rant...<ROFL>...

              Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com
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           Order out of Chaos - From an Art to a Science

              Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com
Donations to support KeelyNet: http://www.keelynet.com/donate1.htm
     Public Archive http://www.escribe.com/science/keelynet
           Order out of Chaos - From an Art to a Science

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