Am 19.06.2012 um 18:03 schrieb "David Ching" <>:
> ... and are not
> calling any native Windows API's that are not included in the lowest version
> of
> Windows that you are supporting.  

Last time I checked - just for the fun of it - a Qt 4.7 (maybe even 4.8 - can't 
remember) application still ran on Windows 2000 (MinGW, QtCore, QtGui, the "Qt 
XML module" - but not e.g. Phonon or WebKit).

So unless you explicitly call win32 APIs yourself there should be no worries.

For everything else use depends.exe, which shows you exactly from where the 
DLLs are taken.

However, David is off course right: to make sure your app REALLY works on the 
target system, take a virgin one ("virtual images" work best).

For instance Windows Vista and above have stricter permission rules, some 
system folders might be localised (in case you are relying on hard-coded paths 
such as "C:\Documents and Settings" - which is bad bad bad anyway ;)), etc.

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