> Carlos requesteth:

> how i can to export pdf in QT,please help me
> <snip>,

Till Oliver Knoll <till.oliver.kn...@gmail.com> responded:

> <snip>,
> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qprinter.html#OutputFormat-enum
> <snip>,
> Okay, just to correct my poor spanish :) You use an instance of a QPrinter
> as a paint device. You paint on it with a QPainter (after having set the
> page format, orientation, ...), but before starting to paint you also set
> the format to "PdfFormat" - there you go: a PDF document is the result
> (refer to the Qt docs for details about printing, as previously indicated).

Good question, good answer.

Related, I think:  Is this intended to be different in the future with QML?

>From what I understand, the "imperative-nature" of QPainter (for
QWidget-based applications) is not leveraged-as-much as we go to QML with a
different (Open-GL) rendering engine.

I also understand that effort is in-progress for QML-widgets, including
things like the "file-picker-dialog", for release consideration in Qt 5.1+

Are there any thoughts about explicit export-to-PDF support in Qt 5.1+,
when we have QML-native-widgets?  Will it also be QPrinter/QPainter based?

Sorry to request speculation, I was just curious if I missed the discussion.


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