On 08/07/2012 20:56, ext Charley Bay wrote:

> Show of hands -- those of you on Win7x64, are you using MSVC2008 or
> MSVC2010?

mostly MSVC2008 SP1, MSVC2010 on a different machine.

Note that Windows CE developers are tied to VS 2005 / VS 2008 unless 
they install MSVC2010 for desktop development on the same machine, which 
can screw up everything if installing things not in the right order.

> We're a Qt-Win-Commercial customer, and our internal
> "reference-compiler" is MSVC2008.  We've had issues with MSVC2010
> (mostly that it's so *slow*, and the IDE is not as stable).

After the service pack I find VS 2010 okayish though slower still than 
the old versions.

Due to its wide usage I'd like to see VS 2008 as tier1 platform.
Though its not a high priority issue for me as testing 2010 is "close 
enough" for now.


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