Hello my name is Mojmir and I am a Qt user.

Recently I felt an urge to build me a profiling version of Qt
and before I noticed anything I was caught in the middle of 
porting instead of profiling :)

I found most of the issues covered by doc and internet knowledge
except these two:

    if ( !canvas->testAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_InPaintEvent ) &&
        !canvas->testAttribute( Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent ) )

but WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent does not exist anymore


but QAbstractItemModel::setSupportedDragActions seems to be gone too
with no hint from doc

3) i wonder how to include windows headers correctly. i was getting
strange errors with minmax macros from windows.h that was included
somewhere from Qt. This may be ok for some users, but in my case
it complicates inclusion of winsock2 header. 

Many thanks for your time,
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