On 23 Apr 2013, at 10:22 PM, Immanuel Weber wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to set the inner area of a QMdiSubArea to a specific size, but the 
> the resize(..) member of QMdiSubArea includes the frame. As stated in the 
> documentation 
> (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/application-windows.html#window-geometry)
>  resize(..) (belonging to size()) should exclude the frame and set the size 
> of the inner area, but it sets the size of the complete sub window. Matching 
> that, size() returns the same frame-including-value as frameSize() does. I 
> know that there are (non-beautiful/simple) ways to do that, by determining 
> the border width of a sub window, but I'm just curious why we have such an 
> inconsitency here.

Did you try Qt 4.8?  If it's a regression then it's probably a bug.

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