2013/11/17 Oleg Shalnev <oleg.shal...@gmail.com>:
> Hello all again.
> To tell the truth I don't understand why there is no reaction on thi
> message.
> May be this problem is not a problem, or it's not interesting to the people
> in this list,
> or it's a well known feature, or my English is so bad and poor.
> I have no idea.

Not an expert on that area at all, but if I recall properly, KDE
disabled "modifier-only" shortcuts because they were very problematic.
You don't mention which platform you are using, BTW.

When I used to switch layouts with KDE, I used ctrl+shift+k, and now
I'm testing some Japanese IME that has ctrl+space as switcher. I'm not
sure that "modifier-only" sequences are that common.

Oh, and, there is a more specific Qt Creator mailing list.

Alejandro Exojo Piqueras

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