Sorry for breaking the thread. I was about to sign up for another provider but 
it seems yahoo has reversed itself.

Anyway, Guido, I'd be open to configuring the order. Many places have a coding 
style, and I don't see why QML would be any different. My primary interest is a 
stable text order so that diffs/merges minimize the deltas. As for the right 

The general rule is most distinguishing attributes first. Example:
id comes first.
primary attributes (text for text items, colors for rectangles)
positioning (anchors) 
on* event handlers.

If you have a leaf element with several event handlers, you can very easily 
fill several screens worth. Having the id between two event handlers does not 
make sense, which implies there is a better way to do things.  
Also, the presence of an id is a clue that it needs an id. Again, it's not so 
important what the order is, as long as the order is stable. You know where to 
look for your property at: beginning of element ({) , middle, or end (})

So in addition to minimizing deltas, you get the ability to navigate the file 
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