What do you mean by sub window?  If you mean you are trying to create an MDI 
interface, with a window acting as a desktop and having more windows inside, 
that's not supported in Qt Quick and is unlikely at this point, since the 
widgets implementation turned out to be quite bug-prone, and MDI has anyway 
mostly fallen out of fashion.  When you declare a Window inside a Window, it 
becomes "transient for" the outer window: a hint is given to the window manager 
that they are related to each other, so usually it will be shown centered over 
its transient parent.

On 1 Jun 2014, at 1:25 PM, Yuchen Deng wrote:

> hi, list! I have to ask for help because I can't create an sub window on 
> Window {...}.
> I've tried some days, after Google still can't solved my problem.
> main.qml
> import QtQuick 2.2
> import QtQuick.Window 2.1
> Window {
>     id: mainWindow
>     visible: true
>     width: 760; height: 520
>     color: "red"
>     property variant win;  // you can hold this as a reference..
>     Text {
>         text: "Click here to open sub window 2!"
>         anchors.centerIn: parent
>     }
>     Window {
>         id: subWindow_1
>         width: 555
>         height: 333
>         visible: true
>         flags: Qt.SubWindow
>     }
>     MouseArea {
>         anchors.fill: parent
>         onClicked: {
>             var component = Qt.createComponent("subwindow2.qml");
>             win = component.createObject(mainWindow);
>             win.show();
>         }
>     }
> }
> subwindow2.qml 
> import QtQuick 2.2
> import QtQuick.Window 2.1
> Window {
>     id: subWindow_2
>     visible: true
>     width: 500; height: 300
>     color: "blue"
>     flags: Qt.SubWindow
>     Rectangle {
>         anchors.fill: parent
>         color: "lightGrey"
>         Text {
>             anchors.centerIn: parent
>             text: "Sub Window 2"
>         }
>     }
> }
> See the code, it's can open two window, But can't open as sub window in 
> parent.
> Any help / tips are very welcome!
> Thanks you!
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Yuchen
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