Em seg 09 jun 2014, às 21:49:33, Nikos Chantziaras escreveu:
> > No. Most likely, the server is trying to do something based on what
> > browser
> > you're using and the script crashes if you send just Mozilla/5.0.
> Turns out they're blocking this intentionally. Their reply was:
> "This is known and intentional. We specifically block that because of 
> abuse that has come from that user-agent (being default also means that 
> malicious behavior often uses that user-agent as well). You should set 
> the user-agent to be something that includes your project name and/or 
> URL so we know who to contact if we start to notice abusive behavior 
> from your software."
> Perhaps Qt should add something to the user-agent string. Maybe:
>    Mozilla/5.0 Qt/x.y.z

Given SF's reply, I'm inclined to leave it exactly as it is. If you won't 
identify your software, then SF does not want your connection and we shouldn't 
be hiding it from you.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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