On 25 Jun 2014, at 21:10, John Weeks <j...@wavemetrics.com> wrote:

> We use QFileDialog::getOpenFileName() to get the native file dialog on 
> Macintosh. If you hit Escape, the dialog closes (as it should).
> If I call QDialog::reject() or even if I use this code:
>                        QFileDialog * dialog =  qobject_cast<QFileDialog 
> *>(activeModalWidget);
>                       QKeyEvent * event = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, 
> Qt::Key_Escape, Qt::NoModifier, QString(),0,0);
>                       QApplication::postEvent(dialog, event);
>                       event = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyRelease, 
> Qt::Key_Escape, Qt::NoModifier, QString(),0,0);
>                       QApplication::postEvent(dialog, event);
> the dialog closes, but with Qt 5.3 it leaves the application in some sort of 
> modal state. This puzzles me- hitting the Escape key works fine. What's the 
> difference?
> By the way, this works as I expect with Qt 4.8.6.

That sounds like a bug.  What do you mean about the modal state, the window is 
active but you can’t interact with anything in it?  Or it’s not active? 

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