Am 11.07.2014 um 06:31 schrieb Ian Monroe <>:

> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 9:14 PM,  <> wrote:
>> ... However, as you
>> might i I have numerous doubts about shipping copies of libxcb and
>> libX11 with our application, not the least of which is that the libs would
>> be almost guaranteed to be loaded into memory twice (I have no idea what
>> problems this could cause).
> On Windows this would cause a "DLL hell" issue and maybe this is where
> your hesitance comes from. 

No, this would not cause a "DLL Hell" on Windows: two processes linking with 
their distinct copy of a DLL (such that it is loaded twice into memory) also 
works just fine on Windows, like on any other OS that supports "shared 

Except off course if the library /itself/ does access resources – such as 
hardware like graphic cards – in such a manner that it expects to have 
exclusive access to those resources (and would hence not grok if another 
instance would try to do the same - and I share my concerns with the OP here 
when it comes to "X related libs"). But that would entirely be a library 
specific issue and would have nothing to do with the way the OS (dynamic 
library loader thereof) would try to resolve dynamic libraries.

What is known as "DLL Hell" refers to the fact that many applications (used to) 
rely on DLLs located in "system folders" (c:\Windows\system32 and the kind...). 
That by itself would not be problematic – if those applications would not have 
the right to install their own "system libraries" into those “system folders” 
(or even: were expected to do so!)! And since I can remember (Windows 3.1 and 
onwards) this was for a very long time “good practise” (and might have even 
been encouraged by Microsoft itself, doing the same deployment with their own 
Office etc. applications).

Now what happened off course if you had one application happily installed, 
linking against, say, c:\Windows\system32\everyone_needs_this.dll, and then 
installing another application yet again deploying a 
c:\Windows\system32\everyone_needs_this.dll (the fine print: but this version 
is slightly different than the previous one), off course overwriting the 
previous DLL, then /that/ led you quickly into what became infamously known as 
“DLL Hell” – this, plus the "sloppy way" how the OS let an application resolve 
DLLs (keyword: PATH environment etc.).

There is no excuse: you could always (technically) safely deploy your 
application in a "safe manner" by deploying all your DLLs into "well known 
locations" (read: into (sub-)folders of your application’s folder). And 
resolving “plugins” with a relative path was always a bad idea (google up "DLL 
hijacking" and the like – even Qt had some issues when resolving for "SSL" 
libraries – this was again discussed a couple of weeks ago here on qt-interest, 
when some guy wondered why some funny SSL DLLs, located in some PATH, where 
picked up by his Qt application, even though he thought that "he would not be 
using SSL at all" (but WebKit did)).

Off course, deploying all your DLLs into your own folder somewhat defeats the 
purpose of DLLs in the first place ;) But this is e.g. exactly how applications 
on OS X are deployed! They provide all their "frameworks" and shared libraries 
they need in their "app bundle", except "well known system libraries" (Cocoa, 
….). And no application is allowed (when submitted to the "Mac App Store") to 
install any library outside its App Bundle!

And also "non-Mac App Store" applications better not overwrite existing 
C/C++/Obj-C runtime libraries or even Cocoa libs (even though technically they 
could, when installed with admin rights – and that would exactly lead to the 
same "DLL Hell" as on Windows (or Linux, or any other system that supports 
shared libraries for that matter).

Then there’s the issue with the C/C++ runtime libs: off course those are just 
"too common" to be installed in each application’s folder. So Microsoft 
provides a "C/C++ Runtime Redistributable" installer which is run as part of 
the application installation process (or at least is supposed to be – some apps 
simply refer to the Microsoft website and tell the user to fetch the "C/C++ 
runtime redistributable" themselves – or silently install those DLLs themselves 
under, yes, you guessed it, "Windows system folder").

So if you are lucky and install all your applications "in the right order" (by 
published year would be a good guess ;)) then the runtime DLLs were always 
overwritten with a newer version – which hopefully would be fully backwards 
compatible (*cough* *cough*). But again, practise usually led to the "DLL 
Hell", breaking existing applications.

Microsoft overcame this issue with "Manifests" and "Private Assemblies" and 
what not, so you could install "different versions of the same C/C++ runtime" 
in parallel (c:\Windows\WinSxS\...) [1]. That worked again pretty well when you 
went down the official "C/C++ Runtime Redistributable" installer approach 
(read: if you used Microsoft’s own MSI installer) – in my past experience that 
however more often than not led to what I called the "Manifest Fiasko". We had 
our own installation framework, for given reasons, and trying to deploy the 
C/C++ runtime libs together with your application worked in most cases – except 
where it didn’t: I remember one "Japanese Windows XP" system where you got a 
funny error shortly after double-clicking the app – and I am not referring to 
some Japanese characters that I could not read ;).

In short: Windows let you mostly avoid the "DLL Hell" since a long time – it 
just made it particularly easy to fall into. Also by the fact that Microsoft 
let (forced) many application developers to distribute essential 
"system/runtime" libraries together with their applications (on the other hand, 
I have never ever seen anyone seriously considering deploying an ObjC or C++ 
runtime on OS X ;)).

But other systems such as Linux also share some affinity to the "DLL Hell": 
agreed, most developers there have learned from the very beginning that it is 
probably not a good idea to install their own libraries under /usr/lib – but 
dare you try to deploy your app on different Linux distributions! Off course 
the Unix/Linux folks also tried to overcome the "DLL Hell" by encoding "version 
info" into their libs, such as – but most apps simply don’t 
care about linking with –lfoo.0.4 (or whatever the syntax would be), so they’d 
also happily link with a, which in the best case might be 
binary compatible, but otherwise behave differently and *bang*! There you go: 
"Shared Objects Hell"!

I think the problem on Linux is less of an issue simply because you have no 
other choice than "building and testing on the exact same distro where you also 
intend to deploy" – or you provide the "do it yourself"-sources in the first 
place. Or let the distro owner compile and distribute the binaries for you. Or 
go a long mile, restrict yourself to the lowest common denominator of all the 
distros that you plan to support, test on a massive array of 
hardware/distros/versions and try to deploy your binary there (such as Qt does).

Okay, that last paragraph was a bit provocative, but you get the point ;)

But for sure "DLL Hell" does not refer to "two processes linking with their own 
distinct instance of a given library" – because that works just perfect on 
Windows as well.

Cheers, Oliver

[1] This is a good starter: - 
I just noticed that Microsoft apparently stopped with that "Side by Side" (SxS) 
deployment with their C/C++ runtime: from Wikipedia: "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 
and 2008 employ SxS with all C runtime libraries. However, runtime libraries in 
Visual C++ 2010 no longer use this technology; instead, they include the 
version number of a DLL in its file name, which means that different versions 
of one DLL will technically be completely different DLLs now" - seems like the 
"Manifest Fiasko" also overhelmed the folks in Redmond in the meantime ;)

[2] For completeness sake:
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