On 11/26/2014 1:39 PM, Tomasz Siekierda wrote:
> On 26 November 2014 at 13:29, Attila Csipa <q...@csipa.in.rs> wrote:
>> The good news is your 2.0 statement will import whatever the latest
>> implementation registers for the 2.0 version. The ((un)intended?)
>> side-effect of this is that the backward compatibility is not 100% - if
>> you relied on something that has changes/fixes in the newer
>> implementation, there is no going back other than downgrading your Qt
>> version.
> If this is so, then I wonder if it won't be better to introduce/
> change the syntax to something like this:
>    import at least QtQuick 2.0
> or (probably better)
>    require QtQuick 2.0
> meaning "include the newest feature set available, while 2.0 is the
> absolute minimum". It describes the reality a bit better. When people

No, the import version specifies the exact feature set you'll get - as 
said, there are no wildcards/ranges/macros. I was told this is 
intentional, to guarantee compatibility. FWIW I still disagree with the 
way it's done, but there you have it, I suspect this will be coming up 
again and again.

Some history of the matter and attemps at having this altered:

Best regards,
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