I am wondering if anyone the list has a good understanding of QML StackView and 
could offer me some guidance on a problem.

A colleague recently changed my app's page load paradigm from using a QML 
Loader with asynchronous property set to true to using a QML StackView and its 
replace() method.  The new approach allows for different types of animated page 
transitions which are powerful and which can't be done with one Loader. That 
said, I'm noticing a problem:

When the StackView loads a test page that contains a lot of QML, it blocks an 
important "spinner" progress wheel animation which is meant to run from the 
time the user selects a new page until just before the StackView's transition 
animation occurs.  (This progress wheel is important; it provides important 
user feedback while de-init code runs in the page being unloaded, and while 
some init code runs in the newly-loaded page.  This code includes network 
communications, so the time can vary.)

>From what I understand, the spinner animation should never get blocked: I 
>created it directly on the scenegraph using a combination of 
>ParallelAnimation, SequentialAnimation(s), PauseAnimation, ScriptAction, and 
>RotationAnimator.  This is a technique I learned from Gunnar Sletta here on 
>the list.  I can provide some code if someone wants to verify that the 
>animation was successfully created directly on the scenegraph.)

Is there anything I can do to make the StackView work better with my progress 
wheel animation, rather than block it when a page contains a lot of QML?

Steve Pavao
Korg R&D
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