Hi Shawn,

First of all thanks for your reply.

As far as I understood, there are a couple of patches ready to integrate and I 
could probably integrate them myself on my current Qt. If that is correct, I 
really don’t want to change my default Qt behaviour because, otherwise I would 
need to ensure that I apply the very same patches every time I update Qt.

Changing from a MouseArea to Multitouch area implies to change the source so I 
can’t make it from the Qml side, right?

In your opinion. Should I stick to my custom made slider for the controls I 
need this behaviour in?



> On 17 Dec 2014, at 12:22, Rutledge Shawn <shawn.rutle...@theqtcompany.com> 
> wrote:
> On 17 Dec 2014, at 12:35, Nuno Santos <nunosan...@imaginando.pt> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have just stumble on the lack of multitouch support for the Slider element 
>> in Quick Controls.
>> I can’t interact with more than one slider at once using the Slider element.
>> I had my own version of Slider using a Multitouch area and it was working 
>> great. I have now switch to Slider from Quick Controls and found that this 
>> is not possible with it. 
>> Since Qt is more than ever a cross platform platform for mobile (and desktop 
>> are each day becoming more and more multitouch aware), I think this kind of 
>> controls should have multi interaction support.
>> Does anyone knows a way of overriding Slider touch handling?
> The tentative plan is to have MouseArea handle touch events too; then it will 
> work.  (Multiple-finger touch events can be broken up and dispatched to 
> multiple Items in the scene, whereas only one touchpoint can be used as a 
> synthetic mouse, because Qt only supports one mouse.)  However it’s been 
> controversial, and hard to get working 100% correctly in every possible 
> combination of items too; that’s why the patches are not integrated yet.  I 
> also believe that if we start to directly handle touch events in MouseArea, 
> we will need to do the same in every item that currently handles mouse 
> events, because otherwise the scenarios in which one item steals the grab 
> from another will not work correctly.  That means Flickable at least.  So, 
> the following patches are mostly ready for integration, except that I’m not 
> 100% sure that no regressions will be introduced, and I’m pretty sure there 
> are a few autotests that don’t pass yet:
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/63308/
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/65801/
> An alternative idea was to create a TouchArea which only handles the simple 
> touch use cases, like tapping and dragging, with an API that is mostly 
> compatible with MouseArea.  But that did not get done yet either, and I think 
> it would be nice to have existing MouseAreas inside existing components just 
> start working with multitouch.  The controversy comes from the fact that we 
> usually try to avoid behavior change, because we cannot predict what bugs it 
> would cause; for example in a set of tabs, where each has its own MouseArea, 
> what happens if you press two tabs at once?  I think that in most such cases, 
> at least something deterministic would happen.  But maybe there could be some 
> unknown bad cases.
> So probably in every case where a MouseArea was already in use, you will have 
> to modify the QML to enable multiple-touch interaction.  In the current 
> version of the patch, you would have to set multiPointTouchEnabled: true, 
> because it is not enabled by default.  Or if we had a TouchArea instead, then 
> you’d have to replace MouseArea with TouchArea.  So it’s not a transparent 
> upgrade either way.  The Controls Slider will need this change to be done, if 
> nobody has an objection to _that_ behaviour change, that suddenly all sliders 
> can be dragged in parallel.

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