On 27 Feb 2015, at 06:08, Ben Lau <xben...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am making a mobile application for iOS and Android that will provide a 
> photo viewer. Just like other photo viewer did, it need to support flicking 
> (with physical simulation) and pinching for zoom-in and out. I use Flickable 
> + PInchArea to implement the features. However, it is not quite working in Qt 
> 5.4. Flicking is ok , but pinching area do not work as expected. It is not 
> sensitive for two fingers touch. The most successful way to get it works is 
> to put the fingers on the screen at the SAME time. User will not accept the 
> behaviour.
> I have already report the bug with example project provided:
> [QTBUG-44645] Flickable and PinchArea are not working well together - Qt Bug 
> Tracker
> Anyway , I am not reporting for the bug here. Instead I would like to seek 
> for alternative method to implement the feature (e.g not using pinch area? ). 
> Downgrade to 5.3.2 may not work for me , I have few components that need 5.4 
> feature (e.g the native control for Android)..
> Any suggestions are highly welcome.

Did you try the photosurface example?

It’s getting some new features in 5.5, because pinch zooming and flicking will 
both work better on OS X than they have in the past, with a trackpad.  Of 
course it’s not a typical gallery app for mobile devices, but it does involve 
using pinching and flicking together.

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