On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 6:14 AM, René J.V. <rjvber...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Following up on the earlier discussion of 32bit Qt builds.
> Is it possible to do a 32bit Qt build on a 64bit system? I just tried to
> build Qt 5.4.1 using `configure -platform macx-clang-32`. I did get a 32bit
> qmake executable, but the build already failed on creating
> libQt5Bootstrap.a :
We use the following configure command with a Git checkout of the 5.4
branch to build 32-bit Qt builds without problems:
MAKEFLAGS=-j16 ../../qt/configure -confirm-license -debug-and-release
-opensource -gui -widgets -qpa cocoa -no-qml-debug -nomake examples -nomake
tests -silent -no-sql-mysql -platform macx-clang-32 -no-c++11 -skip
declarative -prefix /qtbuild5/install/mac32

Note that we do not have any pieces of mac ports installed.

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