As pertaining to "kill": only talking about being fully DB-abstracted. at a source level.
As pertaining to removing QtSQL: I meant nothing of the sort. I just don't expect it to be high on the list for someone to refactor the code to provide universally supported parameter bindings.
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 10:45 AM
From: "Karl Ruetz" <>
Subject: Re: [Interest] QtSql database insertion issues...
I sincerely hope you are wrong; at least for the next several years.  (Like 10 years.)
Staying on the bleeding edge is simply not an option for many of us that are simply Qt users (not developers).  It took us years to update to Qt 5 because they killed QFTP without a fully functional replacement.  QNAM does not have all the functionality for FTP that QFTP did and building QFTP with the newest versions of Qt is problematic at best.  Killing the SQL module would probably mean the end of Qt for our organization.  
I realize that cutting edge stuff is more fun.  But we live in a world where our customers keep old equipment around for decades and they are willing to pay to keep it running.  So we still have to support Windows NT 4 and RHEL 4 even though it’s not as fun as working with the latest and greatest.  So please, I beg of you, do not remove any functionality without a complete, viable, fully functional replacement.
On Apr 23, 2015, at 9:35 AM, Jason H <> wrote:
Very true. If you need something like that to be agnostic, then you need to use a query builder or ORM.
But it's not like Qt is very agnostic. Pragmatically speaking, the lack of constistent binding across of drivers kills it right out of the gate. 
In days like this, where NoSQL is an emerging trend I can't see anything really happening at the SQL module anymore.
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 1:48 AM
From: "André Somers" <>
Subject: Re: [Interest] QtSql database insertion issues...
Jason H schreef op 23-4-2015 om 04:38:
I always execute CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table .... after connecting.

Problem is: there is no DDL support in Qt, so it is not possible to do that in a way that is database-agnostic. Your code will not work against all databases I think.


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