Has anyone on the list  worked with OpenSceneGraph and Qt.  I'm currently 
working on an application that works as a virtual  campus tour.  It was 
originally written in Qt/OpenGL and  was eventually integrated with 
OpenSceneGraph which manages all of the OpenGL calls, but Qt is used to run the 
main application loop and manage all event handling.  Integration is 
implemented using the OSGQt classes which are fairly simple. 


I've recently received interest in making the application available to mobile 
devices to simplify demonstrations, but when I cross compile the application to 
Android no actual geometry is ever rendered. The background color will change 
to match the assigned glClear color.  I've written native OpenSceneGraph 
applications for Android and Qt5 Applications for Android, but something about 
the interaction of the two on the platform does not seem to create a proper GL 
context.   I took the time to profile the application with Adreno, and it 
appears that all the right information makes it two the card. Traces show all 
of the GLES calls up to glDrawArrays(), but no mater how I setup the Model View 
and Projection matrices I never see a single rastered polygon on the screen. 

Hopefully, someone on the list has tried to use the two toolkits on Android or 
some other thirdparty rendering engine encapsulated in Qt and can point me in 
the right direction. 

Steven A White
Interest mailing list

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