On Tuesday 28 July 2015 13:22:04 Edward Sutton wrote:
> Thank you Alex,
> On Jul 28, 2015, at 3:05 AM, Blasche Alexander 
> >I want to output NMEA strings that look like this:
> >$GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*47
> >Maybe QNmeaPositionInfoSource has some way to output the raw source strings
> >that it reads?
> Well, the class' purpose is to process an incoming NMEA string. If I just
> want to output the raw strings then we wouldn't have to wrap the QIODevice
> providing the NMEA strings. We would directly print the content from the
> QIODevice ....
> If you want to convert the output from a regular QGeoPositionInfoSource to
> NMEA then you would have to write the conversion code yourself. There is no
> support for it in Qt. It shouldn't be too difficult though as
> QNmeaPositionInfoSource provides a template for the reverse already.
> --
> Alex
> I need to create the NMEA string from the QGeoPositionInfoSource properties
> for 3 message types; GPGGA, GNGNS, and GLGNS.
> My concern is many NMEA fields are not exposed.  For example for GPGGA
> number of satellites, HDOP, DGPS reference station, etc.  I suppose I could
> fake missing field values and see how the device works.  For example time,
> lat, lon, and fake the remainder to nominal fields.
> The alternative may be to make something similar to QtPositioning.java that
> uses
> GpsStatus.NmeaListener<http://developer.android.com/reference/android/locat
> ion/GpsStatus.NmeaListener.html> instead of GpsStatus.Listener.  That
> appears to be much harder but would be a better solution in the long run.
> I think I will try faking missing fields first.  For this application I am
> not sure if our device even cares which satellite system the data is coming
> from GPS or GLONASS.  The Android device may be connected to one or the
> other but I could always fake the output as GPGGA.
> Thanks Alex,
> -Ed
> Global Positioning System Fix Data
> Name    Example Data    Description
> Sentence Identifier     $GPGGA  Global Positioning System Fix Data
> Time    170834  17:08:34 Z
> Latitude        4124.8963, N    41d 24.8963' N or 41d 24' 54" N
> Longitude       08151.6838, W   81d 51.6838' W or 81d 51' 41" W
> Fix Quality:
> - 0 = Invalid
> - 1 = GPS fix
> - 2 = DGPS fix  1       Data is from a GPS fix
> Number of Satellites    05      5 Satellites are in view
> Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP) 1.5     Relative accuracy of
> horizontal position Altitude        280.2, M        280.2 meters above mean
> sea level
> Height of geoid above WGS84 ellipsoid   -34.0, M        -34.0 meters
> Time since last DGPS update     blank   No last update
> DGPS reference station id       blank   No station id
> Checksum        *75     Used by program to check for transmission errors

The usual method is that these fields are empty (just ",,").  Even standard 
GPS receivers send empty fields before they have a valid fix.

Best Regards

Reinhardt Behm

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