Thanks you very much, it work very well.

let's hope this Private API make it public some day with possible style
customization. I can now remove the ugly z ordering of many component now,
make the scripts way more clean.


On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 7:31 AM, Nicolas Kniebihler <> wrote:

>  Hi Jerome,
> I don't know if that answers your question, but I personally use the way
> QML shows tooltips above Buttons:
> MyTooltip.qml:
> import QtQuick 2.3
> import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
> import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
> MouseArea {
>     id: behavior
>     property string tooltip
>     hoverEnabled: true
>     propagateComposedEvents: true
>     onExited: Tooltip.hideText()
>     onCanceled: Tooltip.hideText()
>     Timer {
>         interval: 1000
>         running: behavior.containsMouse && !behavior.pressed && tooltip.length
>         onTriggered: Tooltip.showText(behavior, Qt.point(behavior.mouseX, 
> behavior.mouseY), tooltip)
>     }
> }
> Example:
> Label {
>     text: "My label"
>         MyTooltip {
>         anchors.fill: parent
>         tooltip: qsTr("My tooltip")
>     }
> }
> This way I can show a tooltip above any component (not just Buttons).
> Nicolas
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