Thanks for the tips. I have tried all of them and nothing is working. I will 
try to explain what I want and maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. 

I  want a scrollable grid layout. In the grid layout are pairs of “Label” and 
“Text Field” not unlike the Form Layout for a normal desktop app. I want the 
“TextField” to extend itself to the width of the GridLayout. And I want the 
grid layout to extend itself to the width of the ScrollView. The ScrollView 
should extend itself to the width of the QQuickWidget that i am using.

My first foray into QML isn’t going so well.

Mike Jackson
> On Dec 3, 2015, at 11:45 PM, Jason H <> wrote:
> There are two sizes with the Scrolly things.
> The scroll  item, whose extents are set via anchors or height/width,and the 
> contentHeight and contentWidth, which are the virtual area, in this case your 
> grid layout.
> Give your Grid an id, and set the scrollview contentWidth/contentHeight to 
> the width and height of the
> Also, usually you need a height AND width set, if the anchors are not set.
> Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 at 7:07 PM
> From: "Mike Jackson" <>
> To: "Qt Project" <>
> Subject: [Interest] QML and ScrollView
> I am trying to use a ScrollView in a QQuickWidget but the layout does not 
> seem to be honoring what I am wanting. I have a bunch of “Label/TextField” 
> pairs to the point where there are so many that I need them inside a 
> scrollview. the issue is that if I do that then the TextFields which are set 
> to fill in the rest of the row (inside a GridLayout) does not fill the row. 
> If I remove the ScrollView then the TextField fills the remainder of the row?
>    Since this is my first foray into QML I am sure I am missing something 
> obvious. this is with Qt 5.5.1 on OS X. I’ll post my 
> —
> Mike Jackson [ <x-msg://4/>]
>  import QtQuick 2.4
> import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
> import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
> import LeroyJsonStorage 1.0
> Rectangle {
>     // Make the background a bit darker
>     color: "Light Gray"
>     border.color: "Black"
>     ScrollView
>     {
>         anchors.fill: parent
>             height: 800
>         GridLayout {
>             columns: 2
>             anchors.fill: parent
>             Label {
>                 text: "Foo"
>                 Layout.row: 0
>             }
>             TextField {
>                 text: "Bar"
>                 Layout.row: 0
>                 Layout.column: 1
>                 Layout.fillWidth: true
>             }
>             Label {
>                 text: "Foo"
>                 Layout.row: 1
>             }
>             TextField {
>                 text: "Bar"
>                 Layout.row: 1
>             }
>             Label {
>                 text: "Foo"
>                 Layout.row: 2
>             }
>             TextField {
>                 text: "Bar"
>                 Layout.row: 2
>             }
>             Label {
>                 text: "Foo"
>                 Layout.row: 3
>             }
>             TextField {
>                 text: "Bar"
>                 Layout.row: 3
>             }
>             Label {
>                 text: "Foo"
>                 Layout.row: 4
>             }
>             TextField {
>                 text: "Bar"
>                 Layout.row: 4
>             }
>             Label {
>                 text: "Foo"
>                 Layout.row: 5
>             }
>             TextField {
>                 text: "Bar"
>                 Layout.row: 5
>             }
>             Label {
>                 text: "Foo"
>                 Layout.row: 6
>             }
>             TextField {
>                 text: "Bar"
>                 Layout.row: 6
>             }
>             Label {
>                 text: "Foo"
>                 Layout.row: 7
>             }
>             TextField {
>                 text: "Bar"
>                 Layout.row: 7
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
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