On Jan 22, 2016, at 2:38 PM, Till Oliver Knoll 
<till.oliver.kn...@gmail.com<mailto:till.oliver.kn...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Am 22.01.2016 um 20:44 schrieb Edward Sutton 

On Jan 22, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Jason H <jh...@gmx.com<mailto:jh...@gmx.com>> 

>Look for something called DevicePixelRatio... Also QML Screen attached 
>property/element. It might be a shortcoming in Qt, but you should be able to 
>work around it.

Thanks Jason.  I have same issue on iOS as well.

I will Google Qt examples for DevicePixelRatio. I am puzzled why Qt scaling 
does not occur automatically?

Maybe it does automatically scale for QML.  I am using QWidgets.

>Just a shot into the blue: at least on OS X have to be made "Retina ready" by 
>setting some property in the Info.plist file, something like 
>"NSHighResolutionCapable" (true). Plus the "principal class" (?) has to be set 
>there as well, as a precondition.

I have NSHighResolutionCapable in my OS X list but not my iOS.

>Off course /not/ setting those values should not result in "4x magnified 
>images" on a retina screen. Sounds like Qt thinks it needs to draw the @2x 
>image resources, whereas OS X treats the application as "non-retina capableā€.

It may be a problem with myself.

I feel like I have too many size-things and do not know which one I should be 
compensating for and which one to adjust.

In an attempt to avoid creation of multiple icons of various size, I am using 
SVG icons from Google Material and QSvgRenderer to paint to a QPixmap.  Before

    QCommandLinkButton *buttonEditRow = new QCommandLinkButton(this);

    buttonEditRow->setIconSize(QSize(0,0));  // <- Hide green-arrow icon

    QLabel *labelRowNumber = new QLabel(rowNumber);

    QLabel *labelButtonText = new QLabel(displayName);

    // OSX HD.....:     devicePixelRatio = 1

    // OSX retina.:     devicePixelRatio = 2

    // iOS iPhone 5C:   devicePixelRatio = 2

    qDebug("devicePixelRatio: %i", this->devicePixelRatio());

    // too many size-things, what to fix and what to adjust?

    QString svgResource = ":/resource/images/edit_location.svg";

    QSvgRenderer svgRenderer(svgResource);

    QPixmap pixmap(svgRenderer.defaultSize());


    QPainter pixPainter(&pixmap);


    QLabel *labelButtonIcon = new QLabel();

    QSize sizeMaximum(32, 32);




    QHBoxLayout *pLayout = new QHBoxLayout(buttonEditRow);







>What about plain text (in widgets)? Does it look "retina-like"? Or pixelated 
>(which would indicate that the OS treats the app as "non-retina capable") on 
>the retina screen?

I think QLabel text displays crisper on the retina side. I have OS X 10.10.5.  
The same 4x icon problem on iOS displays 1/4 of the pixmap.

>Maybe just some hope: my own QWidget/QGraphicsView based app looks fine, 
>including QGraphicItems in the QGraphicView. Latest Qt 5.5.1 stock binary, El 
>Even moving the app between retina/non-retina screens works as expected: the 
>Qt app redraws itself with the appropriate resolution as soon as more than 50% 
>of the window overlap with the "other" screen.

My QGraphicsView of a graph also displays fine on both HD and retina.

Also other QIcon based PNG images loaded into buttons display fine as well.

Even when I load this same SVG image into a QComboBox item using QIcon ( no 
need for to use QSvgRenderer with QIcon ) it also renders fine on retina 

It must be something to do with SVG rendering to QPixmap that is put into a 
QLabel. Too many size-things


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