
as I understand it right, I can define two colors for Material:

  * primary
  * accent

and one for Universal : accent.

At the moment I'm only focussing on Material.
to follow Android Material Design Guide I also need a darker and lighter
variation of primary
is it ok, to do it this way:

Qt.lighter(Material.accentColor, 1.1)
Qt.darker(Material.accentColor, 1.1)

as next I need some more colors:

  * primaryText and secondaryText (depends from light or dark theme)
  * textColorPrimary (textcolor used for text placed on primary color)

as from documentation there's nothing generated / prepared from Qt Material
so I have to create these colors by myself and then use thru the app ?

what's the best in respect of performance and memory ?
should I define these colors in my root qml as property and use this
property thru the app ?

color: root.secondaryTextColor

last question:
Is there a way to set the *Android Status Bar* color (Primary Dark) ?


ekke (ekkehard gentz)

independent software architect
international development native mobile business apps
BlackBerry 10 | Qt Mobile (Android, iOS)
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*BlackBerry Elite Developer
BlackBerry Platinum Enterprise Partner*

max-josefs-platz 30, D-83022 rosenheim, germany
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