I completely disagree with you :-)

I hope you're not the type of guy who writes code like this:

  if (!something) {
  something else;
  if (!something else) {
  try {
     do stuff;
  catch (...) {

This is a nightmare, and this is C++ code that's indeed probably from 20 years ago. If somebody writes code that like that today, I would want to hire them.

On 05/05/16 10:18, Bo Thorsen wrote:
I'm still not sure if I should respond to this or not. You're clearly
trying to solve an unsolvable problem.

This mail is going to sound like a rant, because I've heard those types
of arguments from Qt newbies again and again. But it's actually not.
There's information here that will lead you to a code style that fits
the Qt memory model. Not your memory model.

First, you need to listen to this and fully understand it: There is *no*
way you can code C++ so memory errors are impossible.

Using smart pointers is just a silly pipe dream of the nineties that
unfortunately hasn't gone away. As Herb Sutter (I think, not completely
sure) once said: "Smart pointers is a solution in search of a problem".

Smart pointers is good for one thing only: To delete objects that
control their own life span.

For all other - and that's 99.9% - objects, it's cleaner simpler and
more efficient if you get rid of the notion that a system can do it for
you, and start giving clear lifetime ownership of your objects.

Yes, you can get crashes or memory loss. That's why you don't hire crap
coders to do C++, and check your code with tools like valgrind.

I'm sure you will have a long list of objections as to why I'm
completely wrong. Shared pointer lovers usually do. I don't care. I've
been doing Qt coding for 20 years and have tried every trick available
and come to the conclusion that it's actually only up to me writing good

I hope this helps. I give the same type of arguments to my customers.
The smart ones get it, the others pay with increased maintenance cost
over the years.

Bo Thorsen,
Director, Viking Software.

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